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Please join us in our experiences with the Paleo diet and all it has to offer. We're not experts, but we'd love for you to learn with us as we move toward our goal of healthier living.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Cooking With Chad: Cheating (a little...)

I'll be the first to admit: as much as I wanted to, I haven't been 100%, no cheating, following the diet.  Nothing big, other than last Sunday's calzones (no one refuses Jimmy's cooking), but I have caved and gotten coffee a few times.  I know...tea has caffeine as well...but I can't get a turbo shot in tea, and mornings like the other morning, where I was up until 1am studying, and then up at 6am to make it out the door to take a test...I needed my coffee flavored caffeine.  I have been doing well though.  I am not doing anywhere as bad as I thought I would be doing.  I actively seek out paleo alternatives when I am peckish (say, dried fruit, nuts, or carrot sticks, instead of a bagel or something like that).  My biggest difficulty has been getting rid of pasta and rice.  I love them dearly, and I miss them so...

Bringing Logan out on a "date" tonight to Applebee's, since Cody gets to eat over Nana and Grampy's house, and I have already scouted out the menu for paleo-friendly meals.  Some of their salads and chicken dishes look really good, and they are served with portabella mushrooms instead of pasta or rice.

Have a great night all!

UPDATE: So we went to Applebee's.  Logan, as always, was a wicked flirt with the servers and even the manager, and drew them both pictures.  I ended up getting the Grilled Dijon Chicken with Portobello Mushrooms.  It came with sautéed veggies (really good) and potatoes, which I did not eat.  It did have a little cheese melted on top, which I failed to ask them not to do, but Erin says it is good to have a little dairy every once in a while, just so my body doesn't forget how to digest it. 

I've had lactose intolerance before, and it sucks! I had to gradually add lactose into my diet little by little to get my tolerance back again, and I had to deal with being uncomfortable and all the other...unfortunate...effects that come with lactose intolerance.

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